January 21, 2013


It's probably been within the last year or so that I've given up on IT...that dreaded "P" word that most women hate...perfection.
I think it first started to be noticeable in my cleaning. When Sarah was an only child, I used to wake up and hop out of bed just to get started on my cleaning...I know, fun right?! Now, I clean when I can. I let Katie roam the house with crackers in hand which lends to crumbs on the floor. I just don't find it that important anymore.

Another area I've noticed since we've purchased our home is in my decorating. It doesn't have to be "perfect" for me to hang it on the wall, arrange it in that corner, or paint it that color. I have found freedom from reading so many blogs about crafting and creating your own kind of beauty (you may see a canvas with a similar quote in my bathroom in the coming months). Blogs like hers, which inspires me to decorate without having to have my house look like a Pottery Barn catalog. I love my new found sense of style and freedom.

And probably one of the biggest areas for me that I'm letting go of the perfection is in my hair. I cut my hair super short over a year ago, the shortest I've ever worn it, and I loved it. I loved that it didn't take long to style. I loved that it could be "messy" but look like that's how I wanted it. Well, I've been growing it out since about October. I know growing your hair out can be like dying a slow death. Yesterday it dawned on me that I don't want to grow my hair out, not because of how painful the process has been, but because my new style is forcing me to maintain perfection with each strand. I was thinking how down the road, in a few months, I'll be spending more time in front of the mirror making sure my part is correct, the hair is curled under just so, and the back is not looking like a hot mess. So, today I am calling "my girl" and asking her to chop it all off again. Again, I love the sense of freedom I have in my short hair. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT. Dave may not be too thrilled about the idea but I have to think of myself in this situation...could result in a lower dose of Zoloft :)

Here's a shot of my kitchen wall. Random? Yes! Perfect? To me, Yes! Each piece up there has had a personal touch added to it except the white clock that has the glare on it. Sarah made that watercolor picture in the frame when she was 3. I am still impressed with how beautiful it is. I made the "You are my sunshine" canvas while I was pregnant with Katie, thinking it would go in the girls room but I have become attached to it. The 5 was decorated in some bling to represent our soon-to-be family of 5. And the "M" is for Moser, the personal touch is the hot glue job I had to do after one of the legs broke off. 

Hope this will inspire some anti-perfection change in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes....I'm not there yet...I have this terrible mind set of perfection and "picture perfect". So wonderful that you have found your freedom in this. I'm definitely not there yet, but something I will keep working on. I, too, have gotten better since kids!
