January 28, 2013

Birthday weekend

This past weekend we celebrated one fabulous 6 year old! Sarah will be six tomorrow so we had a friend party on Saturday. It was a great day and lots of love for the birthday girl. I can't believe she'll have to use two hands when showing people how old she is. 
She is so amazing in all her maturity, drama, questioning self.

Lots of nice gifts from her friends

Craft time! Turned into quiet time...note to self, always have a craft at a birthday party

Katie sneaking in the corner checking out all of her sisters lute

Sarah has requested for her dad and I to take her out to dinner on her actual birthday. We'll be heading to "Potle" (Chipotle!). 
Lots of love and kisses for this birthday girl


1 comment:

  1. I just love our girls. I am so glad our paths crossed.
