March 31, 2012

Photo Mania

Warning, this post is exceptionally long!  Happy last day of March!  I can't believe spring is here and it will be summer before we know it!  This Moser family has had so much going on in the past week.  Here are some pictures to make you smile, hopefully!

Sarah got a haircut, she looks so cute if I do say so myself!

A shot of Katie and Sarah's hand, my goodness what a blessing they are

Yes, this is the back of the Easter bunny display at the mall, it's as close as Sarah will get to him!

I made Flan this week.  I didn't know what I was making but I was happy with the result.  It's a Mexican custard with a caramel sauce, es muy bueno!

I found an awesome recipe for cookies and tried them out on Dave and Sarah.  The entire tray was gone in one night, I think they liked them!

I made a couple of cookie bouquets for my MIL and a friend who had a baby

Breakfast for Jojo's birthday. Happy 50th birthday Jodi!!

Sarah and her buddies at the Boardman Park

Zadie holding Katie at the park.  I could probably take a million of these shots...her squirming out of someones arms if they're not her mom.  Boy are we in trouble!

Landon, my little cousin, playing at the park.  He is the best kid to play with Sarah.  He is sleeping over tonight.  As I type, I have been listening to them telling each other stories.  So cute!

Grocery Gopher was hired by Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey to deliver food for the elephant eating contest. In case you're curious as to what elephants eat during a contest here is what I had to purchase; 3 cases apples, 2 cases bananas, 100lbs of carrots, 1 case lettuce, 30 whole loaves of bread and 4 watermelons

Easter Egg Hunt 2012 at the Springfield Elementary School.  You'll notice Sarah has a smile on her face, this was before the hunt began!

Another smile just before they blew the whistle

And here we go, Sarah is ticked and pouting because "there are too many kids and she can't get any eggs".  Oh the drama!

Tears, telling me she hates Easter egg hunts!

Pretty sure this bunny wants Dave!

Katie got a new toy!! She may be a little small but I have a feeling she'll be in this thing a lot

Katie's arch nemesis, her teething ring!! I think it's a little too heavy for her so she'll get a good bite and then drops it. Then, she gets pissed! Yes, my five-month old gets so angry that she screams at the top of her lungs, not crying, just ear-piercing screams!

That's all for now, my eyes are crossing for as long as I've been on the computer.  Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at what we've been up to.

March 27, 2012


We just got home from a week stay at the B&B.  I hate unpacking and getting settled back into the swing of things.  I have so much to catch up on and start!  So, this post is a little short and boring.
My brother is in town from NY, he has been accepted into the graduate program at CUNY and will start classes in August.  Very proud of my little Uncle Johnny!
Mom was here over the weekend, she got to take Sarah to see The Lorax.  Still no word from the doctor and pathologists, we're getting just a little annoyed.
I am creating a few treats to sell at Bills Place, will keep you posted on the final choices.
And, Grocery Gopher got a gig shopping for Ringling Brother Barnum & Bailey Circus this week.  The elephants are performing an eating contest as part of their act and I am purchasing/delivering all of the produce.  Super exciting!!!

That's all for now, picture update to come soon.

March 18, 2012

Irish Week

I have great intentions of writing another post tonight besides this week in photos post...I am no good at completing any task come 9:00pm so we'll see.  So, here are our photos from the week-the week of St. Patty's day.

Sarah asked for colored eggs for breakfast, so, we had red eggs along with a cheese stick--Breakfast of Champions!

Sarah and Katie enjoyed some cartoons before bedtime during our stay at Julias.

I baked shamrock cookies to sell at Bills Place, they were super yummy.  Shout out to Tete for use of her kitchen and to my Davey for helping me frost all 120 of them.

Green eggs for breakfast? Why not!  Sarah may have been a little annoyed with me for taking her picture.

Just call me Martha! I made carrots for Katie, she loves her some carrots.

The sun is shining and we have gone to the park twice this weekend. 
Sarah has mastered whistling and does it 24-7!! 
I may be going to Columbus next week for my mom's surgery--believing God has removed the cancer completely and she won't even need surgery!!!
I have an itch to bake sugar cookies so if you want some let me know :)
Katie has mastered rolling over from her belly to her back

Signing off now to enjoy my margarita on the back porch...Cheers!

March 13, 2012

What a Ride

Here's a view of my world last week...

I finally gave Katie a hair cut, her bangs kept getting in her eyes.  Can you believe how much I cut?!  She's only 4 months old!

Sarah and I made this for Dave's class

Katie and I took our drive to Columbus to be with my mom.  She is usually a terrible car rider but I discovered holding her hand helps her sleep...3 1/2 hours of driving with one arm behind me, anything for my kids!

Katie was a champ at the hospital.  She napped in the stroller while we waited for mom to have her biopsies.  We were at the hospital for a total of 7 hours, she napped like this three different times.

While in Columbus we tried carrots, she loved them.  Not sure if she consumed any during this feeding, but practice does make perfect.

We went to the playground that's behind our house on Sunday.  Can you believe this weather?!  I love everything about our little family of four!!

Other random things that are racing through my brain:
  • Dave and I celebrated 15 years of dating on March 9.  He is truly a wonderful husband and I couldn't ask for anyone better
  • Mom should find out today the results from her biopsies, still praying for her and trying to keep myself calm
  • Started doing Zumba a couple of weeks ago.  I can't believe the amount of sweat that is produced during this workout
  • I'm going to be baking shamrock cookies for St. Patty's day and selling them at Bills Place on Saturday. Super excited!

March 4, 2012

March 4

This week in photos has a little more to it than just photos...

Finally took some bath time pictures of Katie :)

We took a walk to the library (in February!) 

Katie enjoyed Mickey Mouse while Sarah was at school

I baked a hoho cake for Davey

Sarah had a sleepover with her best bud, Landon

We enjoyed some french toast before church

This Sunday ends an emotional week for me.  Thursday I was told that my mom's doctor found cancer cells in a biopsy they did and today I was told of a friend who passed.  Seriously, how can one process all of this in the matter of three days?  I surely can't!

I will be leaving for Columbus on Tuesday with Katie to be with my mom.  She is having a procedure Thursday and will get more details then.

I will also be attending a funeral while in Columbus.  I have not had to experience death very often, it is overwhelmingly surreal to me.  I cannot grasp the ugly truth that my friend is gone.

Please keep us all in your prayers!