September 8, 2012


Oh Baby! Have I mentioned how crazy the month of August was for our family?! Some amazing, jaw-dropping events took place within those 31 days.
Dave had an interview for a new teaching job
Interview went great, God answered our prayer about our salary requirements
Sarah switched schools before the first day began, she and Dave now attend YCS
Dave and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. I'm the first to admit that it's a miracle but deep down inside I've always known would happen
We went out on a limb and started looking for a house to buy. Our thoughts a year ago were that this process wouldn't happen until 2014...we're suppose to be closing on our home on October 1st, 2012
And, we found out that we're having another baby. Excuse me, come again, WHAT???

Yup, I took an at-home test one Monday night without Dave knowing about it...didn't want to set off any alarms if it came back negative. Well, that test had just the slightest hint of a positive line but I convinced myself that I was seeing things. So, after another week of not starting (you know what) and my pants beginning to feel tight...I took another test. This time the freaking red "positive" line was shining bright! I literally ran up the stairs to Dave, hyperventilating, I threw the stick on the table where he was studying. I began crying as the thoughts of what was currently happening to us were racing through my head. Dave was amazing, he was my rock as I sat crying, swearing, shaking my head and occasionally laughing.
Needless to say, this pregnancy was not us! But, I have resolved that I don't want to send this new baby any bad vibes that he/she was not intended to be. Now that the shock has worn off we are all extremely excited. I got to hear the heartbeat this past week, any fear that I had was washed away in that moment.
Sarah and Katie will both be big sisters come April 2013...isn't it amazing how things happen?!

Snapshots of our week

This kid cracks me up, no wonder it takes me an hour to feed her

Katie and I spent a lot of time outside this week. She's squealing at the kids playing at recess on the playground behind our house. Sarah was suppose to be going there, can you imagine...

We have a reader!

Picked up Sarah from school and she was just as excited to see Katie--love to see sister love

Where's Waldo! Dave after we all went inside for dinner, guess those 12th graders really wore him out

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Keep us posted on the pregnancy. Love Sarah reading, adorable. Congratulations!
